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Is Homeschooling a Viable Option?

In Germany, homeschooling is illegal, but some parents do it anyway. DW-WORLD readers weighed in on the pros and cons of teaching kids at home.

Attending school is mandatory and homeschooling illegal in GermanyImage: AP

The following comments reflect a cross-section of the views of our readers. If you would like to have your say on this or another issue, please click on our feedback button below. Not all reader comments will be automatically published. DW-WORLD reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Home schooling is big here in the USA, the students and parents that I've met seemed to be a lot more dedicated than those in public schools. If it's done properly then I believe it's a viable option to public or private schools. -- Frank Shipp, USA

Early childhood education is not merely the compulsory attendance at an educational facility in predetermined time intervals. Clearly, the process involves integrated peer, parental, and pedagogical influences. For my own experience in the nascent stages of my education (in 1970 rural Indiana), kindergarten was most obviously devoted to socialization; however, the parallel goal of elementary instruction was also realized. From that period and my subsequent journey through various "public school" systems across the country, I was always prepared and apparently competent enough to graduate and enter university easily. What must be stressed is that my parents and teachers made the most critical impact to my success.
My own children have the attention of both my wife and me regarding their daily educational progress in the public school system. I was initially skeptical of contemporary educators, but so far they have earned my confidence. Although my kids are still young and the curriculum has changed, we will remain involved, at least minimally, to fill in the "gaps" that ever-changing didactics seem to cause. Like me at my kids' ages, they are intellectually thriving and I remain optimistic about their educational future -- for now. -- Frederick W. Luthardt

Homeschooling is a viable and appropriate alternative to public and private school. Uniquely, home education provides a custom education, suited to the child's learning style, needs, and interest. It is far different than the pre-set one-size programs necessitated by the industrial model of education, and should not be regulated to force it to conform to standardized institutional format. -- Shay Seaborne, Virginia Home Education Association

Homeschooling is an acceptable way to teach children. Here in the United States, the laws regarding the homeschooling of children vary, but it is legal. My child has a severe speech delay. If he were in school, they would automatically place him in a special education class. He has been tested, and he is above average intelligence, so placing him in the public school system would only hurt his self-esteem. There are also many parents here in the US that are religious. And those parents want to homeschool their children, along with teaching them religious values. People argue that children won't become 'socialized' if they're homeschooled -- but how can this be true? Aren't I as a parent a human also? He socializes not only with me, but with his grandparents and other family members, along with people we meet in stores, the post office, etc. And as far as learning goes, my child benefits from the one-on-one contact he receives from me and my parents. This attention is something he would never get from teachers in a classroom setting. And to be perfectly honest, I have met many people who graduated from public school who could barely read or write, whereas I can rest assured knowing that my son will be able to. I believe that parents have the right to teach their children at home -- after all, parents have been doing that for centuries. -- Dawn C. Stricklin, USA