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Was denken die Deutschen über die Äußerungen von Günter Grass?

13. April 2012

Nach einer Online-Umfrage der "Financial Times Deutschland" halten mehr als die Hälfte der Deutschen die Thesen von Grass für richtig.

FILE - The Oct. 15, 2009 file photo shows German writer and Nobel price laureate for literature Guenter Grass during an interview with journalists of the Associated Press in the library of Steidl publishers in Goettingen, Germany. Grass is sharply criticizing Israel amid tensions with Iran and what he describes as Western hypocrisy over Israel's suspected nuclear program. In a prose poem published Wednesday, April 4, 2012 in German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the 84-year-old Grass highlighted Berlin's recent sale to Israel of a submarine able to "send all-destroying warheads where the existence of a single nuclear bomb is unproven." (Foto:Jens Meyer/AP/dapd).
Bild: dapd