BAMF: Asylum applications in Germany continue to rise
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has released the latest figures on asylum applications in Germany. April saw an increase of 2.3 percent in the number of applications filed over March.
Asylum applications steadily increase
A total of 59,680 applications for political asylum were submitted in April, according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). In March, 58,315 people applied for asylum.
Syrians lead again
The highest number of asylum applications were submitted, once again, by Syrian nationals, who are seeking refuge from a bloody civil war in their country. In April, asylum applications by Syrian nationals stood at 25,791 which is a 7.5 percent decrease from March, when 27,878 such applications were submitted.
Syrians most overall, too
According to BAMF, a total of 246,393 applications for political asylum were submitted across Germany from January through April. Syrians top the list, with 116,826.
Applications from Iraqi nationals increase
Iraqis were second, with 9,505 applications, recording a 5.8 percent increase compared with the 8,982 submitted in March.
Afghans stood at No. 3
The month-on-month increase in asylum applications from Afghan nationals was 11.8 percent, with 8,458 applications in April compared with 7,567 a month earlier.
Applicants with nationality ‘unclear’
The number of applications from people whose nationality is "unclear" stood at 1,299. In March, the number of such applications stood at 1,869. Thus, month-to-month BAMF recorded a decrease of 30.5 percent.
44 percent more applications from Albanians
Albanians were sixth on the list, with 1,188 applications, behind Iranians, at No. 5 with 1,981. Pakistanis filed 1,038 applications, and 1,152 Eritreans appealed their cases.
Year-on-year comparison
In comparison with March 2015, when 24,504 applications for asylum were submitted, March 2016 saw an increase of nearly 140 percent, with 58,315 applications.