Germany 2023: New rules and regulations
In Germany, when a new year begins, there are plenty of new regulations. This year's affect students, smokers, and coffee shops — amongst others. Here's an overview of what's what this time around.
Allowances for low-income earners
Housing allowance increases by around €190 to €370 per month. Twice as many people are eligible to apply: 1.4 million households that don't receive social benefits but still have little money. This comes in addition to an increase in the monthly allowance for 5 million long-term unemployed and others who depend on state support: The "citizens' money" (Bürgergeld) has gone up to €502 per person.
Compensation: Energy and inflation
The price of natural gas and of electricity will be capped for all households in Germany. And the 2.9 million students in the country will receive a one-off payment of €200 to offset the recent price hikes.
Child benefit increase
The monthly child benefit increases to €250 for each child. Parents can claim this benefit for all offspring who are still in school or training for a job until the age of 24. From now on, parents will also be able to apply for more substantial tax relief.
Tobacco tax hike
Taxes on cigarettes, cigarillos, and tobacco have gone up. Packs of 20 cigarettes have gone up in price by around 10 cents.
Mandatory reusable packaging
Restaurants and cafes must offer reusable packaging for takeaway drinks. And for takeaway meals, there must be alternatives to single-use plastic packaging. Consumers may be charged extra for the reusable option, but establishments may charge a deposit. Small businesses with fewer than five employees are exempt but must allow customers to bring their own containers to be filled.
New meat label
There is now a uniform nationwide labeling for pork in Germany. Meat is classified according to different types of husbandry, ranging from indoor to free-range to organic standards. The label will eventually be extended to cattle, dairy and poultry and will eventually also affect the catering industry and processed products.
No COVID-19 mandate
Health workers in Germany are no longer obliged to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Health issues
Starting in 2023, the mandatory monthly payments for health insurance will rise by 3% to offset the price hikes in the health sector. The good news is that employees now no longer need to hand in a paper certificate when they are ill — the sick note can be transmitted digitally.
Pensions and guardianship
Retirees can expect a rise in pensions by around 4%. Also from now on, spouses are able to make health decisions for each other in emergencies — they will automatically become an authorized representative if their partner is no longer able to make their own decisions. Doctors will then also be released from their duty of confidentiality toward them.
Cheaper regional transport
From April 2023 (probably) there will be a nationwide monthly ticket for €49 allowing transport on all regional buses and trains. This is the successor to the very successful €9 ticket in the summer of 2022.