Tales from the Border episode three begins outside a migrant camp on the border between Serbia and Hungary. With András Léderer from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and reporter Idro Seferi we visit three places in Serbia that reflect the harsh reality of life for so many migrants on the Balkan route. In this episode, we hear from Jalal who made it over the border to Hungary only to suffer a terrible accident. His injuries are so bad he can barely walk, but Hungarian police force him back to Serbia. As Jalal tells his story, András gathers evidence for a potential court case.
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Reporter: Idro Seferi, Serbia
Presentation in Serbia: András Léderer, Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Presenter and Producer: Emma Wallis
Editor: Marion MacGregor
Series Editors: Charlotte Hauswedell and Sven Pöhle
Studio Production: Gerd Georgii and Jürgen Kuhn in the DW studios
Theme Music: Chinese Man Records, France