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Güreş 2020 Olimpiyatları'ndan çıkartıldı

14 Şubat 2013

Alman Güreş Birliği Genel Sekreteri Karl Martin Dittmann, Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi’nin kararını yorumladı.

Olympic technical staffs finish the final details of the session room where five cities will make their best effort to persuade Olympic Committee members to choose their city to host the 2012 Olympics Tuesday July 5, 2005 in Singapore. London, Madrid, Moscow, New York and Paris will be making their presentations before the IOC vote on Wednesday in one of the most competetive and closely watched games bids in history.(AP Photo/Ed Wray)
Olympia Bewerbung 2012Fotoğraf: AP