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Luxembourg's Prime Minister and Chairman of the eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of eurozone finance ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, March 12, 2012. The 17 euro countries are trying to focus on issues beyond the Greek crisis and deal with longer-term issues in their currency union. Finance ministers, meeting in Brussels on Monday, will discuss Spain's high deficits and potentially dangerous imbalances in other countries. (Foto:Virginia Mayo/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: AP


圍繞下屆歐元區主席人選爭議,現任主席、盧森堡首相容克表示,下周一有可能做出決定,前提是,西班牙放棄封鎖立場。容克的一名發言人周五(7月6日)對德新社表示,他將願意擔任主席至今年年底,先決條件是,此前需澄清兩項人事安排。他希望,盧森堡央行行長默施(Yues Meisch)進入歐洲央行理事會,雷格林(Klaus Regling)擔任長期歐洲拯救傘計劃—歐洲穩定機制(ESM)主席。這名發言人表示,考慮到歐盟成員國財長會議舉行在即,必須在下周一作出這一「三人人事安排」的決定,否則,歐洲穩定機制的啟動有可能延宕。馬德里政府迄今拒絕在相關問題上做出妥協。該國新近失去了在歐洲央行理事會的一個職位。該國希望得到補償,由本國人在歐盟重要機構中任職。