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Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to reporters during a news conference after she attended the National League for Democracy party's (NLD) congress in Yangon March 10, 2013. The NLD is holding its national congress from March 8 to 10, the first since its formation in 1988. The party says about 900 delegates have been nominated to attend the congress by more than 1.2 million members around the country, which has an estimated 60 million people. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun (MYANMAR - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
澳大利亚支持缅甸改革图像来源: Reuters

澳大利亚政府承诺为缅甸提供约合1590万欧元的援助,支持其改革。在缅甸总统吴登盛(Thein Sein)访问澳大利亚期间,澳大利亚总理吉拉德(Julia Gillard)周一在堪培拉表示,所提供的援助资金将在未来2年内用于促进缅甸的民主机制和人权,以及推动经济政策和法治。但是澳大利亚将继续对缅甸实行武器禁运。吴登盛(Thein Sein)是自1974年以来访问澳大利亚的首位缅甸总统。在2011年结束了长达近半个世纪的军政府统治之后,缅甸的改革速度令观察员们惊讶。许多国家因此取消了对缅甸的制裁。澳大利亚去年解除了对缅甸的所有旅行限制和经济制裁。