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Two Chinese surveillance ships which sailed between a Philippines warship and eight Chinese fishing boats to prevent the arrest of Chinese fishermen in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, about 124 nautical miles off the Philippine island of Luzon, are seen in the South China Sea in this April 10, 2012 file photo. China withdrew one of three ships engaged in a standoff with Philippines vessels in a disputed area of the South China Sea on April 13, 2012 as both sides pursued talks to defuse the dispute. REUTERS/Philippine Army Handout/Files (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY MARITIME) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
图像来源: Reuters


据美联社报道,在同菲律宾围绕黄海主权争议不断的背景下,中国本周三将启动该国在深水油气勘探开发领域的首次钻探作业。据官方的新华社周二(5月8日)报道,开钻水域距香港东南320公里处,开钻深度1500米。相关钻井平台所处位置虽不在中菲主权争议水域内,但位于中方所称的黄岩岛(国际上称为斯卡波勒礁-Scarborough Shoal)东南方向。从上月以来,中菲两国船舰一直在相关海域保持对峙局面。中国外交部网站今天报道说,外交部副部长傅莹昨天曾约见菲律宾驻华使馆临时代办蔡福炯(Alex Chua),就黄岩岛事件向菲方提出“严正交涉”。傅莹重申,黄岩岛是中国固有领土,希望菲方不要误判形势,不计后果激化事态。傅莹称,中方对形势难以乐观,已做好应对菲方扩大事态的准备。