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An airport apron controller vehicle is pictured in front of aircrafts on the runway at Frankfurt's airport February 29, 2012. A threatened strike by air traffic controllers and a continuing walkout by airfield staff at Frankfurt sparked hundreds more cancellations and delays at Europe's third-busiest airport on Wednesday. Airport operator Fraport said 235 flights had been cancelled on Wednesday out of a total of 1,260, most of them owing to the walkouts by 190 staff who guide planes to parking places. REUTERS/Alex Domanski (GERMANY - Tags: BUSINESS TRANSPORT EMPLOYMENT)
汉莎飞机图像来源: Reuters


德国汉莎航空公司对空中交通管制工会(GDF)进一步施加压力,要求空中交通管制员对去年夏季2起罢工宣言导致的数百万欧元的损失进行赔偿。汉莎航空公司的律师周四在法兰克福劳工法院表示,2份罢工声明给汉莎航空公司带来巨大损失。汉莎航空公司同柏林航空(Air Berlin)以及瑞安航空公司(Ryanair)一起,共同要求德国空中交通管制工会赔偿损失约320万欧元。8月中旬,劳工法院将做出裁决。在此期间,司法机关将就工会宣布罢工是否可以被判罚款问题进行商议。