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French President Nicolas Sarkozy (L) greets the President of Tunisia Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali at the Grand Palais main entrance, in Paris, France,13 July 2008, before the start of the plenary session of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean. Mr. Sarkozy is trying to broker a project of special cooperation between the European Union and those countries in Asia and Africa that border the Mediterranean Sea. EPA/YOAN VALAT +++(c) dpa - Report+++
法国和突尼斯总统图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


法国外长朱佩周五在突尼斯透露, 欧盟将加强对叙利亚的制裁。下周一(2月27日)开始,欧盟将冻结叙利亚中央银行资金。鉴于叙利亚持续不断的暴力,来自70多个国家的代表在突尼斯首都会晤,商讨解决危机的途径。德国以及许多其他西方国家要求叙利亚总统阿萨德辞职。大马士革政府对国内反对派的抗议运动采取暴力镇压手段,迄今已经导致数千人丧生。