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An view of a heavy-water production plant, which went into operation despite U.N. demands that Iran roll back its nuclear program, in the central Iranian town of Arak, Saturday, Aug. 26, 2006. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Saturday, after the inauguration of the plant, that his nation's controversial nuclear program poses no threat to any other country, even Israel "which is a definite enemy." (AP Photo/ ISNA, Arash Khamoushi)
Irak neue nukleare Anlagen in Arak图像来源: AP

美国周五(8月10日)宣布,根据《伊朗制裁法》对向伊朗输送汽油的叙利亚国家石油公司(Sytrol)实行经济制裁。美国近年实施的《伊朗制裁法》旨在使各公司与伊朗能源领域的贸易更为困难。美国国务院称,叙利亚和伊朗今年四月在能源领域进行双边贸易,叙利亚向伊朗输送了3万3000公吨、价值超过3600万美元的汽油,远超过《伊朗制裁法》对经济制裁所设定的底线。国务院发言人温特利尔(Patrick Ventrell)在声明中指出,上述的贸易使伊朗得以继续发展核项目,并提供叙利亚政府压迫人民的资源。美方同时再次谴责伊朗对叙利亚阿萨德政权的支持。西方国家怀疑伊朗正发展核武器,而伊朗则表示该国的核项目单纯是为了供给民生用电。