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German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande review the guard of honour at the Chancellery in Berlin, May 15, 2012. Hollande called for a European pact for growth to balance out German-driven austerity measures in his inaugural address on Tuesday, hours before taking his challenge to Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. Sworn in with all the pomp of the French Republic, Hollande won support from Germany's opposition Social Democrats (SPD), who vowed to use their parliamentary blocking power to delay ratifying a European budget discipline treaty until Merkel accepts accompanying measures to boost growth and jobs. REUTERS/Thomas Peter (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
Treffen Merkel Hollande图像来源: Reuters

联邦总理默克尔和法国新总统奥朗德周二晚在柏林举行首次会晤时明确表示,德国和法国今后将继续开展良好合作。默克尔总理说,从属于不同的党派并不防碍这一合作。奥朗德说,这关系到对法德关系的信任和连续性问题。两国领导人共同宣布,在一周后举行的欧盟特别峰会上,就促进欧洲经济增长的战略做出建议。 奥朗德宣誓就任总统数小时过后对柏林进行了首次正式访问。今天,(5月16日),他将在巴黎宣布政府成员名单。