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默克尔访问希腊 要求希腊继续改革



Greece's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, right, and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel make statements to the media at the Maximos mansion in Athens, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Merkel says Greece has covered "much of the ground" required for recovery, during her landmark visit to the financially stricken country.(Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis, Pool/AP/dapd)
默克尔访问希腊图像来源: AP

(德国之声中文网)周二,德国总理默克尔对希腊进行了爆发债务危机以来的首次访问。大约25000名希腊人在雅典举行示威,反对默克尔的来访。默克尔在雅典同希腊总理萨马拉斯(Antonis Samaras)会晤后表示: "我希望希腊留在欧元区。"


默克尔说,为战胜债务危机,希腊必须坚持走改革这条艰苦的道路。她说: "我们已经做了很多事情,但是还有一些事情要做。"默克尔总理说,她很清楚,她是在希腊处于"非常困难的时期"开始她的访问。 "许多人因受到过于苛刻的要求感到痛苦。"不过她可以肯定,走改革道路"对希腊来说是值得的"。与萨马拉斯的会谈清楚地表明"希腊每天都在取得进步。"

Greece's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (R) and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel speak before their meeting at the Maximos mansion in Athens, October 9, 2012. Merkel makes her first visit to Greece since the eurozone crisis began here three years ago. Her five-hour stop is seen by the government as a historic boost for the country's future in Europe's shared currency, but by protesters as a harbinger of more austerity and hardship. REUTERS/Thanassis Stavrakis - POOL (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
默克尔和萨马拉斯图像来源: Reuters



周二凌晨,欧元集团严厉警告希腊,必须在10天之内实施已商定的紧缩政策和改革措施。 欧元集团主席让 - 克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)在欧元区财长在卢森堡举行的会议结束后表示,在向希腊发放新一批援助款之前,雅典政府必须拿出"明确和可信的"证据,证明其改革诚意。"

欧元集团要求雅典政府在10月18 日之前落实6月底就已经生效的89项措施。德国财政部长沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒( Wolfgang Schäuble)说,希腊政府只落实了其中的大约60项要求。周二,朔伊布勒在卢森堡表示,对希腊的要求极其严格,但是除此之外没有其它道路可走。

希腊总理萨马拉斯与默克尔会谈后说,希腊人民为了迄今的改革"呕心沥血"。他承认,这些改革措施早就应该实施。目前最重要的是,实现希腊重获竞争力的目标。默克尔愿意为希腊提供帮助。希腊总理萨马拉斯说: "今天,我们接待了我们国家的一位朋友,为我们之间的关系翻开了新的一页。"


作者: AFP 编译:李京慧

Protestors run away from tear gas during clashes in front of the parliament in Athens on Tuesday Oct. 9, 2012. German chancellor Angela Merkel says Greece has covered "much of the ground" required for recovery, during her landmark visit to the financially stricken country. Paying her first visit to Greece in five years, Merkel's arrival triggered protests attended by some 50,000 demonstrators in Athens. The rallies were mostly peaceful, but police briefly clashed with several dozen demonstrators and detained more than 50 people throughout the day.(Foto:Dimitri Messinis/AP/dapd)
希腊人抗议默克尔来访图像来源: AP
